Sunday, February 22, 2009

Letters from the moron zone: John Laird Feb. 22 - Leery in Louisiana; timid in Texas

Unfortunately, our community is cursed with a leftist moron as editor of the Columbian's amazingly shrinking editorial page.

Falsely portraying himself as an independent, John Laird uses the bully pulpit provided by the completely out-of-touch ownership of the Columbian to insult, belittle and lie to a public that may not know any better.

Today's putrid effort is no different.

Like most fringe-left nutters, Laird is all about socialism. Obama's massive income redistribution plan makes him positively giddy. To the clueless, the difference between the "Hope and Change" campaign's promise and the "HOPEless and SPARE change" reality results in moronic conclusion and analysis like that presented by Laird in today's inept effort.

Today, the typically shortsighted leftist within Laird takes Bobby Jindal, Republican Governor of Louisiana, to task for having the wisdom to "Just Say No" to the massive and completely unnecessary income redistribution the empty-suited idiot Laird and his rag supported for president is providing us.

In his leftist zeal at attacking anyone wise enough to disagree with the total idiot running this country, he conveniently forgets the obvious reason for ignoring this welfare from the messiah:

What happens when it runs out?

Politically ignorant and short-sighted leftists like Laird find themselves incapable of getting a vision beyond today. So Jindal and the rest of the governors take this money... this "free money" that morons like Laird seem incapable of understanding actually is NOT "free," SINCE IT COMES OUT OF OUR POCKETS.... what are they supposed to do when the federal spigot is shut off?

Complete and blithering idiots seem to think this gravy train of printed money will last forever. REALISTS, and those possessed of the common sense of at least a rock ape, look beyond the "Publisher's Clearing House" aspect of this funding, to the "what next" aspect.

People that know nothing beyond their own partisanship fail to ask those questions... much like Laird's idiotic column, where he's writing like the DNC is paying him... which, come to think of it, is how he writes any time he gets political.

And Laird's final lie of his column?
This particular stimulus-plan story is yet another affirmation that I am not the idiot that Texans said I was six years ago when I left my native state and moved to the great Northwest.
And on that, we can agree. You see, Mr. Laird, they probably didn't know you weren't just an idiot: instead, you are an idiot wrapped in a moron. And no matter what they may have thought of you personally when you left... clearly, the feeling that resulted on their part was one of great relief that you were gone.

John Laird Feb. 22: Leery in Louisiana; timid in Texas

Sunday, February 22 6:00 a.m.

May 19, 2003 digital image Milan Chuckovich ERD John Laird editorial columist

All Northwesterners should be thankful that Bobby Jindal does not run the Bonneville Power Administration and instead only runs the state of Louisiana.

Jindal, the Republican governor who is often mentioned as one of the GOP's great hopes for regaining the presidency, wonders if Louisiana should accept money from the federal stimulus package. "We'll have to review each program, each new dollar to make sure that we understand what are the conditions, what are the strings and see whether it's beneficial for Louisiana to use these dollars," he said recently.

May 19, 2003
digital image Milan Chuckovich ERD
John Laird editorial columist[sic]

As a Northwesterner, I urge Jindal to take his time. In fact, Bobby, just say "No." You'll find other ways to solve Louisiana's $2 billion budget shortfall. No doubt, you've got a better plan than the big, bad federal government for creating 50,000 jobs in your state, as the stimulus plan projects. And with Louisiana's recovery from Hurricane Katrina moving along at break-neck speed, let your state's $538 million for infrastructure projects go elsewhere.

There's nothing political at all about Jindal's reluctance. No, sir. It's only a vicious rumor that he is feathering his nest among Republican voters, building his base in anticipation of the 2012 presidential election, knowing all along that even if he says "No" to the feds, his own legislature could decide to take the money anyway, and therefore both he and the legislators could impress voters. No, that's only a rumor.


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