Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Liars, damned liars, and then, the Columbian: In our view March 18: ‘Righteous’? Really?

Though circling the drain, the partisan spew and cover for democrats continues unabated.

We have massive public backlash mounting against Baird, Obama and all the Congress that is making all of this AIG and bailout garbage possible.

So what does this abortion of a newspaper do? What do they chose to write about?

They go to work to engage in damage control for Brian Baird. Baird, who carries the downtown Mafia's water like Gunga Din, is getting hammered; not only for his idiotic earmarks (and these are not the only stupid moves he's made in the earmark arena) but for the Columbian's despicable press coverage and his outright PRIDE in molesting the taxpayers in the midst of this horrific recession.

Let's remember that this despicable waste of pulp endorsed the empty suit currently in the process of destroying this county's economy... and that Brian Baird has supported every financial move this moron has made.

The Columbian is drawing the wagons in a circle around our embattled Congressman, because he is taking almost universal heat from all corners on being proud of his continuing financial rape of his constituents specifically and all Americans generally. As far back as February, this shame of a newspaper had started to provide cover for Baird's despicable votes for Obama's porkulus, with yet another fawning article that covers the malfeasance this clown has engaged in.

Baird has had his problems with earmarks before... earmarks that returned tens of thousands in campaign contributions for his "favors." Baird's corruption on earmarks is well known. The Seattle Times spent a considerable amount of time on the issue where Braid (among others) wasted millions on earmarks for the military that the military did not want.

So, the Columbian rises to the defense of their lackey, doing all they can to make sure he keeps shoveling MORE wasted millions into the steaming pile known as downtown Vancouver.

They start with a lie:

"Baird’s description of federal earmark offends his critics, but he speaks the truth"

And sprint downhill from there.

Baird's molestation of the taxpayer doesn't just "offend his critics," it also offends his supporters, because it's not being done for any reason but to enrich his "friends."

The most laughable among the many lies contained in this pork feces published by this rag today is THIS beaut:
"...You get a 30-to-1 return on our investment. Bash us for that earmark, Bobby Jindal."
"Baird got that 30-to-1 ratio from a City of Vancouver Web site description of the project"

Gee. That's akin to going to a Nazi Party website and believing their descriptions of one of their more scenic concentration camps.

In other words, then, like the City of Vancouver, Baird has NO FRICKING IDEA WHAT, IF ANY, RETURN THERE WILL BE.

Because as we all know, like the Columbian, the City of Vancouver would NEVER lie to get what IT wanted.

Except for downtown redevelopment, a $ 4 BILLION waste of money on an unneeded I-5 Bridge replacement and loot rail... and suing the voters into silence, I mean.

Now, I'm sure that Governor Jindal would have no problem shredding Baird's idiocy on this issue. Hell, I can do it right here:

If, in fact, this project would have ANY return of "30-to-1" anywhere in it...


There ya go, Congressman. Keep the change.

As usual, this editorial is rife with false, pie-in-the-sky, made up on the spot numbers, printed by a bunch of kool aid-drinking, self-interested liars who want this redevelopment tax money like a heroin junkie wants their next fix.

There is nothing righteous in voting for hundreds of billions of dollars of unneeded pork. But then. Baird has a track record of doing that very thing, so maybe it's because he's so out of touch with his constituency that he's left only to rely on his partisan bent... and screw the voters and taxpayers.

After all, the empty suit in the White House and this massive waste of space newspaper wouldn't have it any other way.

In our view March 18: ‘Righteous’? Really?
Baird’s description of federal earmark offends his critics, but he speaks the truth
Wednesday, March 18 1:00 a.m.

Brian Baird seldom passes up the chance to be blunt. Sometimes the Vancouver congressman's outspokenness is not the best approach. Three years ago, for example, when replying to a letter writer who had thanked him for a scholarship, Baird fired back with a seething, undiplomatic indictment of the student's poor writing skills.

Usually, though, Baird is spot on with his perceptions and frank expressions. Such was the case last Friday when he described as "a righteous earmark" the combined $5.59 million in new federal funding for Vancouver's waterfront redevelopment project. As Jeffrey Mize reported in Saturday's Columbian, that funding includes $2.5 million in stimulus money plus $3.09 million from the 2009 spending bill that President Obama signed last week.

Predictably, Baird's comment elicited quick and severe opposition among bloggers and other critics of both Baird and Obama. He noted after a formal Friday gathering at the old Boise Cascade site: "Everyone bashes us for earmarks. This is a righteous earmark. You get a 30-to-1 return on our investment. Bash us for that earmark, Bobby Jindal." Baird got that 30-to-1 ratio from a City of Vancouver Web site description of the project, which estimates how much every public dollar spent is expected to yield in projected higher tax revenues.

Yes, the return on investment would take years to realize. And yes, the "dividends" are estimates. But the data are compiled by informed researchers, and besides, the only certain way to eliminate estimates is to abandon the project and accept the status quo: an abandoned paper-mill site on prime waterfront property.

Here are key questions for local residents to ponder when assessing this righteous earmark:


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