Friday, March 6, 2009


I wish I could take credit for that nifty catch phrase, but it's more an apt description of what's happening to newspapers generally and the Seattle PI in particular.

This effort from poster jaundos at Sound Politics sums up the current newsprint publication of the Seattle PI (A former employer of mine, I might add) which is, fortunately for this region of the country, doomed to extinction as a viable entity.

Yet, our own newspaper of record, the Vancouver Columbian, insists on following the same, clueless, libtard editorial model; a place where facts are twisted or ignored, and it's the agenda, the agenda, the agenda... all day, every day.... delivered with clueless vehemence.

Their current embarrassment is their deliberate efforts to ignore the massive opposition in Clark County to the disgrace known as the I-5 Bridge replacement and light rail project.

In keeping with their policy of lies, they refer to this bridge as having "12 lanes."

This bridge has 3 thru lanes in each direction, precisely like the bridge they would have us unnecessarily replace.

So, any time any of the 5 people or so who agree to replace this bridge achieve yet another agreement on anything, it gets the front page, golly gosh gee-wiz treatment by this rotten excuse of a newspaper.

The tens of thousands who oppose this colossal waste of billions of dollars?

Not one word.

So, we continue to be confronted with an effort that has included a study that has wasted in excess of $90,000,000 to arrive at a pre-ordained outcome; the continuation of a project that nobody wants, the giant sucking sound of $72,000,000 or more in tolls being sucked out of our economy and away from our families... and all of it ENTIRELY done to bring in light rail to Vancouver, at a cost of $4 BILLION... not including interest and cost overruns that will add additional billions in costs... but a minimum of about $10,000 for every man, woman and child in Clark County... not including the over $1,000 per year per commuter in additional taxes in the form of tolls... taxes that are not needed, not wanted and not asked for by those who have to pay it.

Local government lacks the courage to ask us the question: Do you, the people, want this?

Oddly, I never thought that a former soldier... a holder of the Combat Infantry Badge, could be a coward. But he is. And that shames me, as it should shame everyone in our community.

Unfortunately, when it comes to the critical issue of a county wide vote on the issue of this project, neither Pollard nor his only announced opponent, City Councilman Tim Leavitt have or will pledge to allow democracy have it's way with this situation, and they both fully intend to ram this project down our throats.

There is no money for this. We do not need this. We do not want this. Yet we have an out of control government that is forcing us to take it whether we want it or not.

And for that, there is no excuse.

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