Saturday, March 28, 2009

More idiocy from Laird: Cheers & Jeers, March 28

It takes a real uber-leftist scumbag to fail to admit that Governor Jindal's mention of the $140 million in the porkulus package as "waste" was directly on target. There was ABSOLUTELY NOTHING related to that earmark (You know... that earmark that the lying Speaker of the House said didn't exist?) that was in the LEAST "stimulative."

However, if you're a "Special Olympian" editorial page editor, however, your obsessive leftist crapping on your page every chance you get, knowing that the object of your derision can't answer you (The true mark of a coward) and knowing that you're lying in your efforts to belittle your political target makes you juuuuust a tiny part of the scum of the earth.

This is the kind of garbage spew that got this worthless rag into trouble in the first place. Deliberate distortion; deliberate arrogance, deliberate falsehood... those are the hallmarks of a steaming pile like The Columbian, one of the most arrogant, cowardly publications in the history of free press.

Laird's toilet product?

Jeers: Remember the way Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal mocked "$140 million for something called 'volcano monitoring'" on Feb. 24 when he delivered the Republicans' response to President Obama's address to Congress? Jindal's classic goofball comment is hard to forget, for a couple of reasons. First, there's the governor's startling absence of scientific knowledge, which we described in an editorial as "volcanic ignorance." Second, there are the not-so-subtle reminders that Mother Nature keeps delivering. Thanks to "something called 'volcano monitoring,'" we were prepared this week when Alaska's Mount Redoubt continued its repeated eruptions, sending ash clouds 32,000 feet above sea level. On Thursday afternoon Alaska Airlines suspended all flights in and out of Anchorage, about 110 miles northeast of Mount Redoubt.

That might not mean much to the Louisiana governor as he continues his partisan sniping at various federal funding efforts, but it's important to the people of the Pacific Northwest.
Never mind that not one dime of the money in question had been spent on the observatory in question; meaning, of course, that the wasted $140 million played no role, one way or the other.

As I pointed out here, it takes a totally moronic and completely biased worm to deliberately ignore these facts and to deliberately twist and distort the actions of others when they are not around to defend themselves.
Odd, isn't it? The idiots down in Columbianville have no trouble attacking Jindal over a remark he made concerning $140 million... but they've managed to keep their mouths shut over the massive waste of hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars with $1.4 TRILLION in interest alone at the national level... while they roboticly go ON, and ON, and ON about the massive $4 BILLION I-5 Bridge Replacement that we do not want and do not need as if that WASN'T the most massive single waste of money in this nation's history.
One day, this stain on our community will become just another unpleasant footnote... much like Pravda or Das Reich.

And they will not be missed.

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